Resources | FlexMR

FlexMR Showcases InsightHub in AQR Platform Roadshow

Written by Chris Martin | 01 September

On 22nd October, we will be showcasing our InsightHub research platform on the fourth day of AQR’s Platform Roadshow!

We will be joining three other research agencies, Remesh, Qumind, and Particity, to virtually present our insight platforms in live demonstrations; each agency is assigned a day, and you can explore our InsightHub platform on the fourth day of the roadshow at 10:30am.

The third series of AQR’s Roadshow takes place on Zoom, and each demonstration will last one hour. You’ll need to book on quick because these sessions will not be recorded for future use!

Explore the InsightHub Platform

As the fourth in the series, we’ve got the pleasure of closing the AQR Platform Roadshow, and boy are we up for the task! As an integrated insight platform, we make it easier for insight professionals to generate, analyse, and activate high-quality insights at the speed of business.

Designed to improve insight generation, distribution and activation, InsightHub is a full end-to-end research solution that is designed to meet all specific, diverse, and varied needs of all insight teams for most projects due to its intimately customisable nature. We have devised four default configurations depending on what type of research you want to conduct, and these configurations can be further customised with any number of our 11 qualitative and quantitative tools.

Inside our InsightHub platform, you can conduct both qualitative and quantitative research in over 60 languages, working on many projects simultaneously in the name of agile insights. Participants can access the platform through different devices (mobile, tablet, or desktop) for their convenience, and to enable access to valuable real-time data collection for researchers.

Today, over 40 global brands rely on InsightHub to inform decisions and solve the toughest challenges that face their business. To find out more and see how the platform underpins a variety of complex research schedules – sign up to the AQR Platform Roadshow event here.

Key Takeaways:

  • Discover how InsightHub powers research schedules
  • Explore the impact of blending qual and quant in one place
  • See our full range of quant and qual tools in action
  • Learn more about the recently updated Focus GroupMR and SurveyMR tools

About the AQR Roadshow

Following on from our second round of very successful Platform Roadshows we are now announcing AQR Platform Roadshow - Series three.

Since 1980 AQR have been representing the interests of qualitative research, while working tirelessly to promote the industry in the UK and abroad. Their philosophy is to broaden horizons and stretch perspectives. This is integral not only to their thoughts on techniques and practices but also to our provision of learning and networking opportunities for their members. As the ‘Hub of Qualitative Thinking’ AQR remain committed to creating spaces for their members to connect, learn, create and get inspired.