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Paul Hudson to Lead Co-Creation Workshop at ASC Conference 2024

Written by Emily James | 02 May

On Wednesday 19th June, FlexMR's CEO Paul Hudson will attend and lead an interactive workshop at the Association for Survey Computing’s International Conference event centred on achieving a higher standard of participant experience in survey computing.

Paul’s workshop will commence at 2PM in Stream 2 of the event’s programme on the first day of the ASC’s two-day conference at the Royal Holloway, University of London.

Co-Creating Better Participant Experiences

In the face of recent inflation, the actions of many leaders will be driven by the fundamentals of economic. Elasticity of demand, in particular, will lead to tough decisions about price ceilings and consumer appetites. But less well known is that this same challenge is already being felt by research and insight teams.

For the past few years, survey response rates have been falling. Or, more accurately, consumers are being over-surveyed and feeling increasing fatigue. As an industry, we’re guilty of creating our own form of inflation. Asking more questions means customers are answering more questions – and we appear to have found the response-rate ceiling.

So, what can be done? In this interactive workshop, Paul Hudson will lead a guided, interactive debate in which teams explore the complex trade-offs between stakeholder and participant needs. We’ll highlight the common tactics for improving PX and the ways in which benchmarking survey quality can give stronger voice to participants before research goes to field.

Paul will lead the workshop attendees as they investigate the merits of each tactic and build a framework for a programme of survey data collection that is truly customer-centric. View the full programme of presentations, workshops and panels at the ASC International Conference to discover more.

About the ASC International Conference

The ASC International Conference is a multi-stream immersive event, held in a university setting, with an associated programme of social activities continuing into the evening and with accommodation provided on site for those wishing to stay. It provides a rare opportunity to spend time with peers from across the sector and to establish (or renew) friendships within the ASC professional community.

After a break of several years due to the pandemic, ASC will be hosting its next International Conference in June 2024 at Royal Holloway, University of London.