Resources | FlexMR

The Five Key Principles of Insight Activation

Written by Emily James | 10 August

Discover the five key principles of insight activation that work to enhance the chances of success in stakeholder organisations, and explore the roles that insight teams and stakeholders play in that activation stage of the market research experience.

It is becoming a better-known fact that the market research process doesn't end at the report. Arguably the most important stage of market research actually comes after the report in the insight activation stage - the stage insight professionals have the least control over.

In recent years, the insights industry has come up with a number of strategies to encourage stakeholders to act on the insights we give to them, all based on the principles of insight activation.

The key to implementing insight activation strategies is to understand exactly how stakeholders make their decisions, which principles of insight activation isn't working quite as it should, and then implement strategies to fix that principle and give stakeholders the best chance of success with their new insights. Download this free whitepaper to:

  • Discover the importance of each insight activation principle
  • Understand the roles of stakeholders and insight teams in activation
  • Learn how to enhance the reach and influence of consumer insights
  • Explore how insight teams can streamline strategies for communication