On 27th May 2021, Quirks Marketing Research Review republished an edited version of an article that FlexMR’s Copywriter, Emily James, wrote on Customer Immersion Sessions. The edited version, entitled Making the connection: A Guide to Customer Immersion Sessions explores the impact and value of immersive research.
Modern market research contains a diverse portfolio of methods and tactics to capture the attention of stakeholders and participants. Customer Immersion Sessions are a great way to immerse both stakeholders and customers in market research, creating a direct line between the two parties so researchers can harness both the voice of the customer and stakeholder engagement.
Immersive research is a great way to directly connect stakeholders and customers, engaging both parties in such a way will help researchers harness the power of the voice of the customer, customers will benefit from voicing their opinions in a controlled setting directly to their favourite brands, and the VoC is a compass that brands can use to make sure they’re creating truly impactful experiences that are sustainable, necessary and add value to the customer’s way of life.
One of the main benefits of customer immersion sessions is the sense of comfortable intimacy that allows for freer conversations between customers and stakeholders, deepening the relationship between all participants. As customers feel more seen, they’re keener to take part in research for the brand and generate valuable insights if they’re able to get a better experience out of it too.
Stakeholders benefit from getting information straight from the source, untainted customer insights that they can use to build better products, services, and experiences, ultimately becoming the business that adds value to the lives of their customers.
While the onus is on researchers and customer-respondents, researchers are not an idle part in this conversation. Researchers are key to facilitating and moderating these important conversations. They know the tricks to create that comfortable atmosphere that lets everyone involved loosen up and converse easier, and they know when to follow up on points to get the most insights out of them. Researchers typically also provide the secure platform that only adds to the level of security both parties feel during the immersive research session.
To find out more about customer immersion sessions and to gain some tips to start your own immersive research tasks, read the full article here.
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