
A Casual Conversation on... The InsightHub Platform

InsightHub Platform

Welcome to the first episode in our brand new A Casual Conversation series. In this first episode, we thought it was fitting to talk a little bit about our InsightHub platform. We have gathered three members of our leadership team and asked them about their perception of the InsightHub, what they thought the best benefits of it were, and what’s in store for the InsightHub in the future.

An Enterprise-Wide, Agile Technology

Our InsightHub platform is the world-leading cloud platform technology that makes qualitative and quantitative research tools available in one flexible and customisable space. It is a place where clients can set up and run their own research projects in whatever way they choose, whether that is long-term or short-term, agile or structured, qualitative, quantitative or a complimentary mixture of the two.

There are number of key research themes explored within this video, with collaboration being one of the most important. Research is not a singular activity, there will be many people who rely on the results of their experience and so will want a say in what methodology is chosen, the structure of the process, or even which sample they need to target. The collaborative nature that InsightHub enables is one of the defining features of a great insights platform and is one of the key themes explored within this video. Teamwork is essential for a successful research experience, and the results that are distributed across the business will be accessible for use in many decision-making moments from then on.

Flexibility is another key theme that is highlighted by our thought leaders. The ability to move between different research methods is essential for producing insights at the speed of business, and the in-built database within the InsightHub means researchers can also target and sample the right people at all levels and stages of the research experience. Each researchers’ arsenal of tools is customisable, and the scale of the research can be scaled up or down for each research task conducted.

Not only is flexibility key, but agility is too. Engaging with participants and truly accessible research for those in-depth fully actionable insights is necessary for the insights generated to reach their full potential within all areas of a business. To satisfy all of the needs for everyone within a business is hard, but definitely achievable with the InsightHub:

One of the current trends in the industry today is about trying to deliver more insight than ever before on stricter budgets. But in the pursuit of quantity, the quality gets compromised. The future of the InsightHub is working to provide the quantity that businesses demand, without compromising on the quality of the research needed in order to produce valuable insights.

Looking forward to the future, FlexMR’s CEO, Paul Hudson, states that the future of the InsightHub is located within the further development of the analysis and reporting tools. Allowing for more thorough analysis and reporting to be done on the InsightHub, which means that researchers can manage more projects end-to-end in one neat and functional place.

The Casual Conversation Series

A Casual Conversation on... is a series of short, candid videos with the FlexMR leadership team that introduce the key offerings of the agency, our thinking and viewpoints on the future of market research and the insight industry. Throughout these videos, you'll hear direct from those involved in designing the InsightHub platform and the unique agency model that FlexMR operates.

For press enquiries

To discuss press and media enquiries please contact Christopher Martin, FlexMR CMO, by email at chris.martin@flexmr.net or via telephone on 015395 65455.

Arrange a meeting

We love to meet passionate research and insight professionals. If you'd like to arrange a chat with one of our team at an event we'll be attending, contact Chris Martin by email at chris.martin@flexmr.net or via telephone on 015395 65455.


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